About Me

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Nobody knows wat i'm doing.. Same goes to me.. I duno wat i'm doing.. I f face lot of happiness + sadness.. Friendship + Luv + Heartbreakes + Break Off (in ma dreams la).. Academic wise.. i'm an average.. Sports wise.. i'm an average.. My life is bout.. JOKES..JOKES..JOKES.. No serious.. Luv to critics.. n can receive it from others.. Everyday at least there will b sum1.. Ask me to change.. The more dey ask + advise me.. Ma adrenaline will boost up.. Normally I'm a bad boy.. Now I f b'come WILD..

stay tuned..

Thursday, January 1, 2009



oh my gosh!!!

2008 ended like it juz started yesterday...

lot of things happen..

me taking stpm..

form six inter-games..

muet exam..

english week at skol..

masturbating team rocks..

rough cock sucker (RCS)..

skol magz pics..

nostalgia day..

lotsa b'day parties..


dance like mad at parties..

outing wit frens..


futsal tournaments..

putting up at cousins houz..

having tuittion on every saturday n sunday..

talk in tamil like pro..

learn chinese words..

gettin closer 2 ma classmates..

fall down in da drain..

kena chase by cow coz wearing red shirt..lol..juz joking..

find work at many places..

tell lots of lies, lame jokes, pro jokes..

spend time at many cybercafes..

went out wit mum 2 buy curtain..lol..

enjoy every public hols like mad..

din even wana copy during exams..lol..

keeping lot kinda of beard style..

wen bald..

lack of seriousness at class but it was cool..

gettin noe sum1 who is so special 4 me..till now..

hope 2009 will b a awesome year 4 u all out thr!!!..

may GOD bless u all..

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